In the 20th century, one of the most interesting intellectual phenomenon is the amount of interest for study religion, and at one point there is conformity of opinions broad that religious belief as traditionally understood, is striking decline intrinsic meaning for most of modern society.
The growing community interest in studying religion in line with the efforts of religious believers to modify and adjust beliefs and religious institutions in emission changes that occur in modern society.[1]
In belief systems, the human beings can not life without mythology or explanation of the natural systems and life explanation and the truth is unquestionable. Thus, in sequence, will produce a mythology, and will generate a value of system, and then, the value of system will give people clarity about what is a good and bad (ethics), and underlies all activities in creating civilization.[2] This diversity becomes more apparent due to man's own effort to make his religion become more functional in daily life, by linking it with obvious symptoms and in the vicinity. The legends and myths, is the institution supporting human belief in God and functionalization of trust in society.[3]
In the Islamic world, the kind of appreciation spirit religious evolved into a separate science called mysticism or taṣawwuf. In development, there are two different concepts in interpreting the meaning of mysticism itself. Among observers described taṣawwuf from the standpoint of their perception, whereas the Ṣūfīs (actor) defines taṣawwuf as their personal experiences of each. Although in the defining taṣawwuf, each circle is different, but, in essence, the purpose of the teachings is a soul purification, closer to Allāh enough, seeing him with the eyes of the heart, and even feel the unity with Allāh Most High. (Union with God). Taṣawwuf, is the concept of human unity with the Creator (Allāh Most High.) this formulated in three forms namely ittiḥād, ḥulūl, and wahdāt al-wujūd. [4]
[1]This discourse put forward by Roland Robertson stating that interest intellectuals in religious belief is part of a general association with problem of meaning and purpose in social life, the basics of ethics, morals, value, etc. See Roland Robertson,ed. AGAMA: Dalam Analisa dan Interpretasi Sosiologis (3rd Ed.; Jakarta: PT. RajaGrafindo Persada. 1993), p. xiii –xvii.
[2]A.S. Kambie, Akar Kenabian Sawerigading, Napak Tilas Jejak Ketuhanan Yang Maha Esa Dalam Kitab I La Galigo (Sebuah Kajian Hermeneutik), (Makassar: PARASUFIA, 2003), p. 6.
[4]Amsal Bakhtiar, Tasawuf dan Gerakan Tarekat, (1th Ed.; Bandung: Angkasa, 2003), p.29-30.
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